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Panasia Systems Limited家在香港,深明身處的「一帶一路新機遇」的重要接點的位置,為不同行業,本地及海外企業及買家,以專業的拍攝技術,及展現各行各業的優勢的信念,拍攝出展示產品獨特細節,讓客人體驗專業服務的相片 。我們製訂高穩定性的網站及電郵寄存產品,及專門為本地出口商及外國公司而設的網站設計等互聯網服務,並推出小型產品發報會服務,撰寫中英文新聞稿件,影音及網上發報的一站式傳訊服務,並期望展示各行各業優勢,遠達「一帶一路」沿線地區 。

2018 重點服務及產品推介:商業攝影及顧問服務,Polaris Audio Systems及特別產品:Ghost Mannequin

憑藉豐富產品攝影經驗,為客戶在展覽會拍攝產品照片的機會,讓我們了解參展商及買家的需要,Panasia Systems Limited從不同行業,本地及海外企業及買家的視角為本,整合專業攝影元素,器材供應,包括:3D鏤空模特兒模具(Ghost Mannequin),創新提供「商業攝影顧問」服務,誠意為珠寶,鐘錶,家品,電子產品,時裝及紡織,各類製造業廠商,室內設計,博彩 ,香港政府部門及半官方機構,拍攝一系列展示產品獨特細節及優質服務的照片外,也提供高成本效益的商業攝影顧問服務,為本地及海外企業,締造一個雙贏的商業攝影服務新層次。

2017年,泛亞資訊系統於 2017年成立了分行Polaris Audio Systems,致力為本地和海外展覽會、各類宴會和學校活動提供專業音響工程及現場混音服務。

About Panasia Systems Limited

Pansaia Systems Limited sincerely believes, not only do professional photography skills matter, but it is also crucial to make good use of the advantages from various industries in order to reach the goal of “correlation”, to showcase the aesthetic uniqueness of every single product. With this faith, our clients would be able to experience the profession and passion of our company in photo taking. Panasia Systems Ltd believes that commercial photography, communication and Internet services, help suppliers to connect with buyers and realise their potential in China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

2018 Product and Services Highlight of Panasia Systems Limited:Commercial Photography and Photography Consultation Services, Dedicated Product: Ghost Mannequin, Polaris Audio Systems.

Dedicated Product: Ghost Mannequin

Viewing from perspectives of local and overseas clients, Pansaia Systems Limited mixes and matches the elements for photography technique, provide dedicated products: Ghost Mannequin (3D鏤空模特兒模具) and material to our clients with good price.

Commercial Photography and Photography Consultation Services

In the meantime, our originality offers "Commercial Photography Consultation Services” for pearls and jewels, timepieces, housewares, fashion and textile, electronics, various manufactories, urban landscape, architecture, gamble and entertainment, or even the Hong Kong QUANGO. With such a service, not only will we offer product shots with high qualities, but also the cost would be additionally reduced by commercial photography consultation services which create win-win situations perfectly.

Polaris Audio Systems

In 2017, Panasia Systems Limited set up a branch, Polaris Audio Systems, to provide audio systems services, including audio system set up and live mixing services, to exhibitions, banquets and parties and school functions held in Hong Kong and overseas.